Category: <span>Business</span>

Sovereign Gold bonds: a better investment option

Sovereign Gold bonds: a better investment option

Sovereign gold bonds are RBI mandated certificates issued against grams of gold, allowing individuals to invest in gold without the strain of safekeeping their physical asset. These bonds act as a secure investment tool for individuals, as gold prices are less susceptible to market inflations and deflations. Considering the popularity and demand for gold, prices...

A Mini Guide On Will-Making

A Mini Guide On Will-Making

Everyone wants the surety and certainty of their money, properties, possessions, estate and their values to be handed on to the people they love and care about. Who on earth does not need peace when they die?                                                                                                           Technicallythe term ‘Will’ is defined under ‘Section: 2(h)’ of The “Indian Succession Act, 1925”. It means the...

7 Financial Products to Invest in 2021

7 Financial Products to Invest in 2021

Earning a secondary income has become quite necessary in current times. The covid crisis has made it certain that you cannot solely rely on your 9 to 5 job. Hence, making smart financial investments seems to be the most preferred way to generate some extra cash. Fortunately, with the rising digital world, there’s also been...

5 Reasons to Become a Partner with Swan Invest

5 Reasons to Become a Partner with Swan Invest

Due to the unpredictable nature of the finance world, choosing the right finance partner for your business can get a bit daunting. Partnering with a finance partner isn’t just about mere profits but more about building meaningful partnerships. With good connection and compatibility, the right finance partner can take your business to new heights. Therefore,...

4 Reasons Why ELSS is One of The Best Strategies to Save Taxes

4 Reasons Why ELSS is One of The Best Strategies to Save Taxes

Tax saving is a great tool both for the individual and the nation. It helps people decide, plan and execute their financial goals while increasing their savings. A better tax planning aids in the growth of the individuals. The government provides various financial instruments to invest and save their taxes under Section 80C of the...

3 Alternate Ways to Generate Wealth

3 Alternate Ways to Generate Wealth

Generating multiple sources of income is one of the most sought after things, especially in this generation. After all, more money equals more security, and with the rising inflation and uncertainties inflicted by the pandemic, people cannot afford to rely solely on their 9 to 5 jobs. Luckily, generating a second income has become relatively...